gpxsplitter: Split GPX files with their waypoints

gpxsplitter splits multi-track GPX files, containing waypoints, into individual one-track GPX files with their respective waypoints.

GPX files containing multiple tracks and waypoints jumbled together are produced on export by many GPS units, particularly MTK chipset-based devices such as the Qstarz Q1000 and Transystem i-Blue 474. Separating tracks and their associated waypoints was a headache until gpxsplitter came along. It’s meant to be run first-thing after downloading data from your unit via gpsbabel or mtkbabel. It’s a quick little script written in Python 2.x, with dependencies on mxDateTime and lxml.

You can get it from the gpxsplitter repository on gitorious, and the GpxSplitter wiki page is the one-stop place that will collect information about it.

I thought about turning this into a web service, where users can upload their GPX files and have them split, but I’d like to know the demand for such a service before writing it. Ideally, gpxsplitter should be part of gpsbabel or something… but yeah, I’ll save the XML parsing in C for a very, very rainy day.

There are probably any number of bugs. If you find one, please let me know—and send a testcase too!


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